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C1 24H Estoril - Final Information

Dear Drivers and Teams,


Here it is the final information for 24H C1 Estoril:


  • Event Timetable - Download here.


  • Scrutineering and Briefing Schedule - Download here. The briefing will be held at the Media Centre.

    • NOTE 1: The technical checks will be carried out in each team box;

    • NOTE 2: Only team managers must be present at the briefing.


  • Credentials - These must be collected at the ACDME store, under stand A, here.

    • NOTEAll teams must leave a deposit of 900€ for the fuel to be consumed throughout the race + 200€ for the service over the 4 days. The price per litre is 1.88€. At the end of the race, all the teams must go to the Motor Sponsor counter, in box 13, to be done the adjustment according to the fuel they have consumed during the race;

  •  Paddock acess

    • Wednesday: From 18H00;

    • Other days: From 07H30;


  • Pit allocation - Download here.


  • Entry list - Download here;


  • Private practice (Thursday)

Those who haven't yet bought their tickets, can still do it when you collect your credentials;

  • 4H Morning (09H > 13H) >> 250€ 

  • 4H Afternoon (13H > 17H) >> 400€ 

  • 8H Full Day (09H > 13H + 13H > 17H) >> 600€ 


  • Box Lounge 

The organisation will provide a box in the middle of the pitlane (boxes 12 and 13) where everyone can socialize and relax. There are also street food stations available in that area throughout the event.


  • Car spares for C1’s

You can buy all the exclusive C1 Eurocup material at the Motor Sponsor counter in box 13;

  • Brake pads

  • Suspension arms

  • Transmissions

  • Exhaust muffler


  • Transponders

All teams must go to the timekeeping room on the 1st floor of the control tower, here, to provide their transponder number or hire one. The rental cost is 70€ and a racing license must be left as a deposit.



  • Race Regulations

    • Depending on the class your car belongs, you must run it according to their own technical regulations:

      • BE car >> Belgium Technical Regulation

      • UK car >> UK Technical Regulation

      • DK car >> Denmark Technical Regulation

    • Sporting Regulations for the race weekend is the same for everyone regardless of you class. Download them here.

  • Communication

All important information, before the race and during the race weekend, including information from the race director will be shared here. We advise all participants and teams to follow the channel 24H C1 Estoril | 5-8 December channel on WhatsApp:

You must follow the channel to make sure nothing important slips away.


  • Clarification Session

In order you have all your questions answered before the event starts, we'll be holding a video call you can join. The link to the meeting will be shared on the channel, 24H C1 Estoril | 5-8 December on WhatsApp:

  • Monday 2 December

    • 17H00 >> 17H45

If you have any questions please let us know. 

Best regards,

Andre Duarte

+351 912 367 949


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