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Driving Days 29 September - Final Information

Dear Participants of the Driving Days,

The 29th of September is on, and as such, we provide some information here:

Track Schedule:

  • Morning: 09H00 >> 13H00;

  • Private Group: 13H00 >> 14H00;

  • Afternoon: 14H00 >> 18H00;

Briefing DRIVING DAYS - The briefings will be held at the media center here. However, we provide our rules for review, download here;

  • ​Morning Briefing: 08H30;

  • Afternoon Briefing: 13H30;

Access to venue:​

  • Saturday from 20H30;

    • To leave the car at the circuit you don’t need to have the event credentials to access the paddock.

  • Sunday from 07H30;

    • It is mandatory to have the event credentials to access the paddock.​

Credential Delivery - It will take place at the Driving Days tent behind the Main Stand A:

  • Saturday from 15H00 to 19H00;

  • Sunday from 07H30 until 18H00;

Boxes - Distribution available here;

Noise - All vehicles can only enter the track after being tested and passing the noise test, which is carried out here. They have to go to that location to be tested. The noise limit that a vehicle can emit is 100dB.

The noise limit is strict, any car exceeding this limit cannot enter the track, there is no tolerance whatsoever.

  • Noise Test Schedule - 07H30 >> 17H30​


Vehicle Check-up - Don't forget to inspect the main mechanical components of your cars (engine, brakes, tires) and to bring the car tow hook and helmet (mandatory);

Thank you all and best regards,

Ricardo Leitão



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